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Santy Orchids Monthly Sale

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9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Previous Mariposa Garden Location
6664 South Street, Lakewood, CA, 90713
Map Unavailable
We will be hosting Cymbidium orchid sales at the previous Mariposa Garden Location on the first Saturday of each month starting in November 2024 and ending in April 2025, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Make entry traveling east on South Street and enter immediately adjacent to the riverbed at the top of the hill.
We will have unbloomed and previously bloomed seedlings in many pot sizes, as well as plants that are in spike or in flower once the blooming season begins. We will also be selling Premium Cymbidium Orchid mix, Nutricote fertilizer, pots and supplies. We may even be graced with Jeff’s famous homemade cookies at some of these events. Come early for best selection.
Note: Only Santy orchids are available at these sales during the times listed in this event. The host nursery is closed at all other times and does not offer retail sales of nursery products. Any questions regarding this event should be sent directly to
              (Lambert Day X Cricket 4N) (Dave Teuschler 4N X Cricket 4N) Little Black Sambo